WinWhatWhere For Families version 1 Copyright (C) 1997 WinWhatWhere Corporation All Rights Reserved *** Installation *** If you received this version of WinWhatWhere For Families on a floppy disk please follow the instructions on the disk label to install WinWhatWhere For Families. If you received this version of WinWhatWhere For Families in a self-extracting ZIP file (for example, W3P1.EXE), you can install it as follows: * Windows 95: select Run from the Taskbar Start menu, type the full name of the file (for example, C:\DNLOAD\W3P1.EXE), press the Enter key, and follow the prompts. * Windows 3.1: activate the Program Manager, select Run from the File menu, type the full name of the file (for example, C:\DNLOAD\W3P1.EXE), press the Enter key, and follow the prompts. If you received this version of WinWhatWhere For Families in a ZIP file, first extract the files to a temporary directory, then activate the Program Manager, select Run from the File menu, type C:\tmp\SETUP, press the Enter key, and follow the prompts. *** Upgrade Instructions *** Follow the installation instructions above. You can install this version of WinWhatWhere For Families to the same location as a previously installed copy of WinWhatWhere For Families. Make SURE that WinWhatWhere For Families is not running! *** Requirements *** Windows 95, Windows 3.1 or later *** Documentation *** For full documentation, including context sensitive help, press the F1 key at any time while running WinWhatWhere For Families.